A Haven for Outdoor Adventure
From Fishing to Wildlife Observation
Established in 1937 as a haven for wildlife, the Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge is strategically located at the southern end of the Mississippi and Central Flyways.
It preserves one of the major wintering grounds for waterfowl in the United States. Peak populations reach over 300,000 ducks and 80,000 geese. Also inhabiting the refuge are armadillos, swamp rabbits, fox squirrels, nutria, mink, otters, raccoons, coyotes, white-tailed deer and a large population of the American alligator. Hunting and fishing are permitted at designated times on the 34,878-acre site. The refuge is home to many types of common freshwater fish such as black bass, crappie, bluegill, red-ear sunfish, largemouth bass, striped bass, and blue catfish.
The Illinois Plant Road, just south of Hayes off La. 14 leads to a 16,000-acre marsh impoundment called the Lacassine Pool, complete with boat launch, parking area, shelters, and handicapped accessible fishing piers. In addition to duck hunting and fishing, other activities allowed at the refuge are hiking, biking, berry-picking, wildlife observation, boating, crawfishing, and deer hunting; however, some restrictions do apply.
General Information
The refuge is open year-round, seven days a week from sunrise to sunset.
For more details, write the refuge at 209 Nature Road, Lake Arthur, LA 70549, or call the Refuge Manager at (337) 774-5923. Their office is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.